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Somewhere on the Earth.

Ruang Press Conference Rumah Ilmu

Somewhere on Earth.

PLBN Motaain

Kab Belu NTT

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2025

Cara Menambahkan gambar, Shape, SmartArt, dan grafik pada word document

 Pilih Icon Gambar (Pictures), shape, SmartArt atau Grafik.

Pilih salah satu yang diinginkan, kemudian klik Ok

Untuk Picture/Gambar

Untuk Shape

Untuk SmartArt

 Untuk Chart

Tutorial untuk pemula: langkah-langkah memulai bekerja dengan Microsoft Word

 1. Buka Microsoft Word

    • Klik ikon Start atau Search di Windows.
    • Cari/ketik  "Microsoft Word" dan klik untuk membukanya.

atau Klik Icon Word pada Desktop

2. Pilih Dokumen Baru
  • Pilih Blank Document untuk memulai dari awal.
  • Atau pilih Template jika ingin menggunakan format yang sudah tersedia.

3.Mengenal Antarmuka Word
  • Ribbon Menu: Berisi berbagai alat dan fitur seperti Home, Insert, Design, Layout, dll.
  • Dokumen Area: Tempat mengetik teks.
  • Status Bar: Menampilkan jumlah kata dan halaman.

4. Mengetik dan Mengedit Teks
  • Mulai mengetik di area dokumen.
  • Gunakan fitur bold, italic, underline untuk memperjelas teks.
  • Gunakan Undo dan Redo untuk mengoreksi kesalahan.

5. Menyimpan Dokumen

  • Klik File > Save As.
  • Pilih lokasi penyimpanan (PC atau cloud).
  • Beri nama file dan pilih format (.docx, .pdf, dll.).
  • Klik Save.

6. Mencetak Dokumen (Opsional)
  • Klik File > Print.
  • Pilih printer dan atur halaman yang ingin dicetak.
  • Klik Print.

Kamis, 30 Januari 2025

Besok Batas Akhir Registrasi Akun SNPMB 2025, Simak Cara Pengisiannya

 Jakarta, Tempo.co

Registrasi Akun SNPMB 2025 dan Pengisian PDSS Ditutup dalam Dua Hari, Ini Panduannya

Kesempatan registrasi akun Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SNPMB) 2025 bagi sekolah serta pengisian Pangkalan Data Sekolah dan Siswa (PDSS) akan ditutup dalam kurang dari dua hari, tepatnya pada Jumat, 31 Januari 2025, pukul 15.00 WIB.

Registrasi akun SNPMB bagi sekolah sangat penting agar siswa yang memenuhi syarat dapat mendaftar dan mengikuti Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi (SNBP) 2025.

"2 HARI LAGI! REGISTRASI AKUN SNPMB DAN PENGISIAN PDSS DITUTUP!" demikian pernyataan yang dikutip dari unggahan akun X resmi @snpmb_id pada Rabu, 29 Januari 2025. Registrasi ini telah dibuka sejak 6 Januari 2025 pukul 15.00 WIB melalui portal resmi SNPMB di https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id.

Pihak SNPMB juga mengingatkan bahwa sekolah yang sudah memiliki akun dapat login kembali menggunakan akun yang telah terdaftar sebelumnya. Informasi resmi terkait seleksi ini hanya tersedia melalui kanal resmi SNPMB.

Langkah Registrasi dan Finalisasi Akun SNPMB bagi Sekolah

  1. Buka laman https://portal-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id.
  2. Klik "Daftar" pada laman registrasi akun.
  3. Pilih opsi "Daftar" untuk Sekolah.
  4. Lakukan verifikasi melalui e-mail yang terdaftar dengan mengklik tautan aktivasi akun.
  5. Jika sekolah sudah memiliki akun, cukup login di portal SNPMB.
  6. Pilih menu "Verifikasi dan Validasi".
  7. Klik tombol "Perbarui Data".
  8. Lakukan validasi data sekolah.
  9. Jika data sudah valid, registrasi akun selesai.

Cara Mengisi PDSS dengan Sinkronisasi e-Rapor

  1. Login ke portal PDSS di https://pdss-snbp-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id menggunakan akun SNPMB sekolah.
  2. Cek profil sekolah pada menu "Profil" untuk memastikan data sekolah dan kepala sekolah sudah sesuai.
  3. Pilih mekanisme pengisian dengan sinkronisasi e-Rapor (opsi ini akan menambah kuota SNBP sebesar 5%).
  4. Finalisasi data sekolah tanpa perlu mengisi jenis studi atau kurikulum.
  5. Masukkan peringkat siswa eligible sesuai kuota berdasarkan akreditasi sekolah. Data nilai siswa akan otomatis ditarik dari e-Rapor.
  6. Finalisasi nilai sebagai tahap terakhir.
  7. Unduh tanda bukti finalisasi PDSS jika diperlukan.

Jadwal Pendaftaran SNBP 2025

Setelah registrasi akun dan pengisian PDSS selesai, siswa eligible dapat mendaftar SNBP mulai 4 Februari 2025. Pendaftaran ini hanya berlangsung 15 hari dan akan ditutup pada 18 Februari 2025.

Pastikan sekolah segera menyelesaikan registrasi dan pengisian data sebelum batas waktu yang ditentukan!

Selasa, 28 Januari 2025

Commonly used Phrasal verbs in TOEFL Test

 Here’s a list of commonly used phrasal verbs that often appear in TOEFL tests, along with their meanings:

Academic Context Phrasal Verbs

  1. Break down – To analyze or divide into parts for better understanding.
    Example: The professor broke down the problem into smaller steps.

  2. Bring up – To introduce a topic or subject for discussion.
    Example: She brought up an important point during the lecture.

  3. Carry out – To perform or conduct an activity or task.
    Example: They carried out an experiment in the chemistry lab.

  4. Come up with – To think of or produce an idea or solution.
    Example: He came up with a unique proposal for the project.

  5. Point out – To indicate or draw attention to something.
    Example: The teacher pointed out a mistake in the essay.

  6. Figure out – To understand or solve something.
    Example: It took him a while to figure out the answer to the question.

  7. Look into – To investigate or examine something.
    Example: The committee will look into the issue next week.

  8. Turn in – To submit work or assignments.
    Example: Please turn in your essays by Friday.

General Usage Phrasal Verbs

  1. Give up – To stop trying or to quit.
    Example: He didn’t give up, even though the test was difficult.

  2. Keep up with – To stay at the same level or pace as someone or something.
    Example: It’s hard to keep up with the fast-paced lectures.

  3. Run out of – To use up all of something.
    Example: They ran out of time before finishing the test.

  4. Take off – To rise quickly in success or popularity; also means to depart.
    Example: His academic career took off after publishing his research.

  5. Put off – To postpone or delay.
    Example: Don’t put off studying until the last minute.

  6. Go over – To review or examine carefully.
    Example: Let’s go over the answers before submitting the test.

  7. Cut down on – To reduce the amount of something.
    Example: She cut down on unnecessary details in her essay.

  8. Fall behind – To fail to keep up with others.
    Example: He fell behind in his studies after missing several classes.

  9. Pick up – To learn or improve quickly.
    Example: She picked up the new vocabulary after a few lessons.

Conversational/Context-Specific Phrasal Verbs

  1. Hold on – To wait or pause.
    Example: Hold on while I check the answer.

  2. Set up – To establish or arrange something.
    Example: They set up a study group to prepare for the exam.

  3. Take up – To begin or start something new.
    Example: He took up studying economics last semester.

  4. Work out – To solve a problem or plan something successfully.
    Example: They worked out a strategy for the group project.

  5. Back up – To provide support or justification.
    Example: Can you back up your argument with evidence?

  6. Break out – To start suddenly.
    Example: A debate broke out during the discussion.

  7. Put up with – To tolerate or endure something unpleasant.
    Example: It’s hard to put up with distractions while studying.

  8. Catch up – To reach the same level as someone after falling behind.
    Example: He worked hard to catch up with his classmates.

Academic and Study-Related Phrasal Verbs

  1. Build up – To develop or accumulate something gradually.
    Example: Over time, she built up her knowledge of the subject.

  2. Go through – To review or examine something in detail.
    Example: They went through the article to check for errors.

  3. Look over – To quickly review or inspect.
    Example: Can you look over my essay before I submit it?

  4. Carry on – To continue doing something.
    Example: Despite the challenges, they carried on with the project.

  5. Sort out – To organize or resolve an issue.
    Example: She sorted out the problem with her study schedule.

  6. Check out – To examine or investigate something.
    Example: Check out the resources in the library for more information.

  7. Take in – To understand and absorb information.
    Example: It’s hard to take in so much information at once.

  8. Step up – To increase effort or take responsibility.
    Example: He stepped up his efforts to improve his test scores.

  9. Bring about – To cause or produce something.
    Example: The study brought about significant changes in the field.

  10. Turn out – To result in a particular way or to have an unexpected outcome.
    Example: The experiment turned out to be successful.

Test-Taking and Time Management Phrasal Verbs

  1. Make up for – To compensate for something.
    Example: She studied extra hours to make up for the time she lost.

  2. Get through – To complete or finish something difficult.
    Example: He managed to get through the exam despite feeling unprepared.

  3. Hold back – To hesitate or prevent progress.
    Example: Don’t hold back during the speaking section—express your ideas clearly.

  4. Set out – To start a journey or a task with a specific purpose.
    Example: She set out to complete her research within a month.

  5. Cut out – To stop or eliminate something.
    Example: You should cut out distractions while preparing for the test.

  6. Take on – To accept responsibility or a challenge.
    Example: He took on the task of organizing the group study session.

  7. Call off – To cancel something.
    Example: They had to call off the lecture due to technical issues.

  8. Come across – To find or encounter something by chance.
    Example: I came across an interesting article while researching.

  9. Fall apart – To break down or fail completely.
    Example: His time management plan fell apart during the busy week.

  10. Turn up – To appear or be found unexpectedly.
    Example: A solution to the problem might turn up during the brainstorming session.

Communication and Discussion Phrasal Verbs

  1. Speak up – To express your opinion or talk louder.
    Example: Don’t be afraid to speak up during the group discussion.

  2. Bring out – To highlight or emphasize something.
    Example: The professor’s lecture brought out key aspects of the topic.

  3. Lay out – To present or explain something in detail.
    Example: She laid out her argument clearly in the essay.

  4. Run through – To quickly explain or practice something.
    Example: Let’s run through the main points one more time before the exam.

  5. Sum up – To summarize or conclude.
    Example: He summed up the presentation with a clear conclusion.

Problem-Solving and Effort-Related Phrasal Verbs

  1. Work on – To focus on improving something.
    Example: She is working on her writing skills for the TOEFL essay.

  2. Iron out – To resolve minor issues or differences.
    Example: They need to iron out a few details before finalizing their plan.

  3. Pull through – To overcome a difficult situation successfully.
    Example: He pulled through the tough exam with hard work.

  4. Step back – To pause and consider something from a different perspective.
    Example: It’s important to step back and rethink your strategy if it’s not working.

  5. Chip in – To contribute or help.
    Example: Everyone chipped in ideas for the group project.

Time and Planning Phrasal Verbs

  1. Put together – To assemble or organize something.
    Example: They put together a strong argument for their debate.

  2. Plan out – To carefully plan every detail.
    Example: It’s better to plan out your essay before you start writing.

  3. Run out – To exhaust the supply of something.
    Example: He ran out of time while answering the last question.

  4. Follow through – To complete something as planned or promised.
    Example: Make sure you follow through with your study schedule.

  5. Set aside – To reserve time or resources for a specific purpose.
    Example: She set aside two hours every day for TOEFL preparation.

General and Contextual Phrasal Verbs

  1. Keep on – To continue doing something.
    Example: Keep on practicing, and your scores will improve.

  2. Pass out – To distribute something.
    Example: The teacher passed out the study guides before the lecture.

  3. Look forward to – To anticipate something with excitement.
    Example: She is looking forward to seeing her TOEFL results.

  4. Turn down – To reject or decline something.
    Example: He turned down the offer to join the study group because of his schedule.

  5. Do away with – To eliminate or remove something.
    Example: They did away with unnecessary sections in the presentation.

Additional phrasal verbs

Account for – To explain the reason for something.
 Example: Increased pollution may account for climate change.

Adhere to – To obey or follow rules or agreements.
Example: You must adhere to the terms of the contract.

Allude to – To mention something in an indirect way.
Example: She kept alluding to our agreement but didn’t want to reveal it.

Bring on – To cause something, typically something unpleasant, to happen.
Example: His heart condition was brought on by his diet.

Come about – To happen, especially by chance.
Example: Increased unemployment has come about through automated production.

Cut back – To reduce the amount of something.
Example: The company cut back on unnecessary expenses to improve its financial health.

Do without – To manage without something.
Example: We had to do without electricity during the storm.

Embark on – To start a new project or activity, usually one that will be challenging.
Example: She embarked on a new career after graduating from university.

Frown upon – To disapprove of something.
Example: Texting during meetings is frowned upon in our office.

Get across – To successfully communicate an idea or message.
Example: The teacher used a diagram to get the concept across to the students.

Get around – To find a way to avoid a problem or difficulty.
Example: They found a way to get around the strict regulations.

Get at – To imply or suggest something indirectly.
Example: I’m not sure what you’re getting at; could you clarify?

Get back – To return to a place or person.
Example: I need to get back to the office before 5 PM.

Make of – To understand or interpret something in a particular way.
Example: What do you make of his latest proposal?

Map out – To plan something in detail.
Example: They mapped out their strategy for the upcoming project.

Narrow down – To reduce the number of options or possibilities.
Example: We need to narrow down the list of candidates to three.

Put forward – To suggest an idea or proposal for consideration.
Example: She put forward a new plan to improve the company’s performance.

Resort to – To do something undesirable because other options have failed.Example: They had to resort to borrowing money to keep the business running.

Rule out – To eliminate a possibility.
Example: The doctor ruled out a bacterial infection after the tests.

Run by – To tell someone about an idea or plan to get their opinion.
Example: Can I run a few ideas by you before the meeting?

Phase in / Phase out:
Phase in: To gradually introduce or implement something in stages.
Example: The company plans to phase in the new software over the next six months.
Phase out: To gradually discontinue or remove something in stages.
Example: Incandescent light bulbs are being phased out in favor of more energy-efficient alternatives.

Adhere to:To follow or obey a rule, standard, or guideline strictly. Example: All employees must adhere to the company's code of conduct.

Narrow down:To reduce the number of options or possibilities, making a selection more specific. 
Example: After reviewing all the applications, we've narrowed down the candidates to three finalists.

Factor in:To include or consider a particular element or variable when making a decision or calculation. 
Example: When planning the budget, we need to factor in potential cost increases.

Turn down: To reject or decline an offer, request, or proposal. 
Example: She turned down the job offer because it didn't align with her career goals.

Senin, 27 Januari 2025

Politani Negeri Kupang dan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia Teken Kerja Sama dan Serahkan Beasiswa


Kupang, 22 April 2022 - Politeknik Pertanian Negeri (Politani) Kupang menjalin kerja sama strategis dengan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia, perusahaan terkemuka di bidang kesehatan hewan. Momentum bersejarah ini ditandai dengan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) serta penyerahan bantuan beasiswa sebesar Rp 50 juta untuk mahasiswa Politani Kupang.

Acara yang berlangsung pada Jumat, 22 April 2022, dihadiri langsung oleh perwakilan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia, Drh. Ulrich Erik Ginting. Dalam sambutannya, Drh. Ulrich E. Ginting menyampaikan bahwa pemberian beasiswa ini merupakan bagian dari komitmen perusahaan dalam mendukung pendidikan di sektor kesehatan hewan. Selain itu, bantuan ini ditujukan untuk meringankan beban mahasiswa yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19.

"Kami berharap beasiswa ini dapat membantu mahasiswa yang membutuhkan serta mendorong mereka untuk terus berprestasi. Ini juga sebagai wujud kontribusi kami dalam memajukan pendidikan di bidang kesehatan hewan di Indonesia," ujar Drh. Ulrich.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Politani Kupang, Thomas Lapenangga, mengungkapkan rasa syukur dan apresiasi yang mendalam kepada PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia. "Kami sangat berterima kasih atas perhatian dan dukungan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa kami. Beasiswa ini sangat berarti, terutama bagi mereka yang sedang menghadapi kesulitan ekonomi akibat pandemi," kata Thomas.

Selain penyerahan beasiswa, rangkaian kegiatan hari itu juga diisi dengan kuliah umum bertajuk "Pentingnya Vaksinasi bagi Hewan Peliharaan Kucing dan Anjing." Kuliah umum ini menjadi momen edukasi penting bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat mengenai kesehatan hewan peliharaan. Drh. Ulrich Erik Ginting menyampaikan materi dengan antusias, menekankan bahwa vaksinasi adalah langkah preventif untuk melindungi hewan dari berbagai penyakit menular.

Kerja sama antara Politani Kupang dan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia diharapkan dapat membuka peluang kolaborasi lebih lanjut di bidang pendidikan, pelatihan, dan penelitian dalam sektor kesehatan hewan. Dengan adanya beasiswa dan program edukasi seperti ini, mahasiswa Politani Kupang dapat terus termotivasi untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian dan kesehatan hewan di masa depan.

Tim PT Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia kecuali Drh. Eni Rohyati 

Pemberian Plakat Penghargaan oleh Dr.Ewaldus Wera kepada Drh Ulrich Erik Ginting General Manager  PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia.

General Manager PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia berdiskusi dengan Wakil Direktur 3 (Bapak Agustinus Semang)

    Penerimaan dengan tarian daerah Manggarai Tamu dari PT. Zoetis Animal Health  Indonesia
Para Dosen Prodi Keswan Kajur Peternakan Dr. Aholiab   bersiap-siap mengikuti penandatangan MoU dengan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia
Pengalungan Selendang General Manager PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia
Diskusi Ringan dengan Tim Zoetis di teras CC Politani Kupang

Direktur Politani (Ir. Thomas Lapenangga, MP) memberikan kata sambutan dalam rangka penandatangan MoU dengan PT. Zoetis Animal Health Indonesia

    Tim Zoetis Indonesia

Makan Malam Bersama Tim Zoetis di Kampung Solor Kupang

Senin, 20 Januari 2025

Berita Trending minggu ini di bidang Pendidikan Indonesia

  1. Pemecatan Pegawai Kemendikti Berbuntut Demo: Seorang pegawai Kemendikti dipecat melalui pesan WhatsApp karena dianggap lambat memasang Wi-Fi di rumah dinas. Kejadian ini memicu demonstrasi dari para pegawai yang merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. 

  2. Pemerintah Akan Hapus Istilah Zonasi dalam PPDB 2025: Pemerintah berencana menghapus istilah "zonasi" dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) mulai tahun 2025. Langkah ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemerataan akses pendidikan bagi seluruh siswa.

  3. Pemerintah Bantu 57.000 Guru Penuhi Kualifikasi Pendidikan D4/S1 di 2025: Pemerintah akan membantu 57.000 guru yang belum memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan D4 atau S1 untuk memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut pada tahun 2025. Langkah ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.

  4. Guru PPPK Bisa Mengajar di Sekolah Swasta, Ini Syaratnya: Pemerintah mengizinkan Guru Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) untuk mengajar di sekolah swasta dengan memenuhi syarat tertentu. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi kekurangan guru di sekolah swasta.

  5. Startup Indonesia Borong 9 Penghargaan di ASEAN Digital Awards 2025: Startup Indonesia meraih 9 penghargaan dalam ASEAN Digital Awards 2025, menunjukkan kemajuan signifikan dalam inovasi digital dan pendidikan teknologi di Indonesia.

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