What is a thesis?
A thesis consists of an argument or a series of arguments combined with the description and discussion of research you have undertaken. In the case of a PhD and an Ed D, and to a lesser extent, a Masters (research) thesis, the research is expected to "make a significant contribution to the chosen field" (Phillips and Pugh, 1994: 23). This does not mean to revolutionise the field (though some PhDs may). You are expected to review critically the available publications in the field and attempt to add an element of original research to it. This may simply mean that you adapt someone else's research plan for the situation you want to investigate; in this way you extend the knowledge about an area. Your supervisor will advise you about suitable research.
Minor theses (eg, for coursework Masters programs or Honours theses) may also contribute to the knowledge in the field, though the main requirement is that they provide evidence of an understanding of the field. Reporting on minor research studies may take a wider variety of shapes than the minor thesis. Accompanied by appropriate commentaries and adequate discussion of the related issues in the field, videotapes, books, and works of art and literature have all satisfied the requirements for Master of Education coursework programs’ research report. |