Rabu, 22 Mei 2013
Animal movements and the spread of infectious diseases
Mei 22, 2013
Animal movements and disease transmission
Infectious diseases are transmitted between hosts by a variety of mechanisms, including direct, airborne and vector-borne transmission. Control of animal-to-animal transmission of disease agents is a key concept in infectious disease epidemiology; however, a more sensible approach might be to prevent the types of contact that lead to transmission in the first place. In humans, it is often difficult to prevent contacts, particularly with the ease of long-distance travel [1]. However, in livestock and animals, movements can be the subject of legislation or strict controls and there is a real opportunity to reduce disease transmission. The importance of animal move- ments is, of course, well understood and international regulations [e.g. from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE; Box 1)] exist to mitigate the risks involved [2]. In spite of these regulations, outbreaks occur regularly as a result of both legal and illegal animal movements. Selengkapnya file dapat didownload di sini
Senin, 20 Mei 2013
Cari 60.000 PNS Baru, Pemerintah Gunakan Kembali Passing Grade
Mei 20, 2013
Jakarta - Pemerintah sepakat mengutamakan integritas dalam mencari Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) baru. Aparatur negara seyogyanya memiliki power culture sebagai bentuk dedikasinya menjadi abdi negara. Persoalan integritas ini akan diketatkan pada rekrutmen CPNS tahun 2013.
Asisten Deputi Kesejahteraan SDM Aparatur KemenPAN, Salman mengatakan, perlu adanya perbaikan pada sistem seleksi untuk mendapatkan SDM Aparatur yang berkualitas.
Asisten Deputi Kesejahteraan SDM Aparatur KemenPAN, Salman mengatakan, perlu adanya perbaikan pada sistem seleksi untuk mendapatkan SDM Aparatur yang berkualitas.
Tanggapan dan masukan untuk Visi, Misi dan Program Kerja MDT-DT
Mei 20, 2013
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