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Somewhere on Earth.

PLBN Motaain

Kab Belu NTT

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Rabies Epidemiology, Risk Assessment, and Pre- and Post Exposure Vaccination

Rabies viruses belong to the genus Lyssavirus in the family Rhabdoviridae.The root
of the genus name is attributed to the Greek goddess Lyssa, the spirit of rage, frenzy,
madness, and rabies; the word rabies itself is derived from the Latin term for
madness and raving.There are over 100 viruses in the family Rhabdoviridae,including vesicular
stomatitis and bovine ephemeral fever. Rhabdoviridae are enveloped, single-stranded
RNA viruses with a characteristic bullet shape. There are 6 known species of
Lyssavirus. Rabies virus is the only one of these endemic to the United States, but all
are capable of causing viral encephalitis or rabies-like disease in humans and other
mammals-Click the link for detail or to download the paper-(Rabies epidemiology, Risk Assessment, and Pre and Post Exposure Vaccination).

companion animal viral diseases

Viral diseases (review of companion animal viral diseaseshave been known to have great impacts on dogs and cats. Hope this paper will help you to better understand the epidemiology, pathogenesis, existing and prospective immunoprophylaxis against the viruses. Salam dari Perth.

Rabu, 24 April 2013


Taken from Google.com

Senin, 22 April 2013

Dana Hibah,Australia-Indonesia Institute

Mungkin ada yang berminat... jika Anda atau organisasi Anda bergerak dalam sesuatu yang meningkatkan hubungan Australia-Indonesia, Anda mungkin ingin mengeksplorasi kesempatan ini untuk hibah hingga $ 20.000closing date 15 May 2013. 
Klik link berikut for detail.Dana Hibah

Jumat, 19 April 2013

Internal Parasites in Beef and Dairy Cattle


The need to control internal parasites will exist as long as cattle are grazing pastures. However, parasite levels are not the same on all pastures or in all cattle. Pastures that are heavily stocked generally have a higher parasite burden than lightly stocked ones. Cattle in a drylot are less likely to have heavy worm infections than those on pastures. Young cattle will typically have more internal parasites than older cattle. Therefore, the methods of controlling internal parasites should be developed to fit individual production situations. Strategic deworming starts with understanding the life cycle of problem parasites, identifying seasonal changes in parasite burdens and implementing cost effective control. A successful deworming program, along with good overall herd management, will increase milk production in cows and thereby increase weaning weights of calves.

Selasa, 16 April 2013


Pemerintah Australia melalui lembaga-lembaganya menyediakan beasiswa untuk international students untuk belajar di Australia. 
Berikut adalah link untuk mencari beasiswa yang sesuai dengan bidang kita. selamat mencari..good luck.Klik this link for detail     -->Study in Australia

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