Cara terbaik membersihkan usus
Para ahli mengemukakan bahwa untuk sembuh dari penyakit anda maka cukup dengan mengeluarkan lendir dari usus, tinja yang tersimpan atau tidak dapat keluar dari tubuh, dan penyakit parasit.
Untuk umur 70 tahun usus manusia telah dilewati lebih dari 100 ton makanan dan 40 liter cairan, yang menghasilkan 15 kg lemak tinja dan racun dari sisa-siasa metabolisme yang terakumulasi. Ini yang kemudian meracuni darah dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tubuh yang sulit diperbaiki.
The facts that the bowel is not clean can be witnessed by frequent constipation, disturbed metabolism, excessive or insufficient weight,diabetes, liver and kidney disease, hearing andvision diseases, poor condition of hair ,skin and nails, as well as other diseases, ranging fromarthritis to cancer .
With the help of enemas only a small portion of the colon can be cleaned which is up to 40 or 50 centimeters, and the treatment when using special apparatus is very expensive, time consuming and harmless for intestinal microflora.
Drinking one to three tablespoons of flax seed meal in within a period of three weeks can completely clean your intestinal and small intestines from years of mucus, fecal deposits and parasites, while fully preserving the intestinal microflora.
This method allows rapid normalization of weight and burns fat from you’re body and has a positive impact on the regulation of lipid metabolism. Flour of flax seeds can absorb and eliminate toxins in the body and lower the cholesterol levels in the blood.
Flax seeds will help you if you have gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, a disease of the urinary tract, cystitis, pyelonephritis, overweight and weak metabolism.
Instead of breakfast three weeks try to consume this mixture:
The first week :
One tablespoon of flax seed flour mixed with 100 milliliters of kefir from coconut milk.
Second week :
Two tablespoons of flax seed flour mixed with 100 milliliters of kefir from coconut milk.
Third week:
Three tablespoons of flax seed fluor mixed with 150 milliliters of kefir from coconut milk.