Why did not we know about this?
Because there are organizations which don’t have an interest to let us know about the miraculous properties of lemon. Therefore, from now onwards, you can help a friend who needs it, with sharing this article!
Do you know how many people dies while this secret is jealously kept in order not be threatened the interests of big corporations?
Lemon has already been proven to have strong anti – carcinogenic properties. In addition to this there are many other useful properties. Lemon has strong effect on cysts and tumors.
This fruit can cure cancer, It’s tested on all types of cancer, and if you add baking soda would be even better, because it will normalize the pH of the body.
Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial and fungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.
Interest is the source of this information: It comes from one of the largest manufacturers of drugs, which says that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 until now is proved that:
Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect of drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapyand narcotic products.
And what is even more interesting – this kind of treatment with extract of
lemon and
baking soda, only destroys
carcinogenic cells and does not affect healthy ones.
Patient should drink two teaspoons of lemon juice with a half of teaspoon of baking soda. And of course, this does not cure the terrible side effects of chemotherapy.
It is best to plant a lemon into the pot in order to be sure that lemon would be organic, no chemicals.
Organic lemon is 100 times more efficient than lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals .