Polewali Mandar, - Tens of thousands of ducks and chickens that died suddenly in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, in the last week making poultry farmers in the region of panic and anxiety. Now they are also overwhelmed destroy ducks and chickens were positive for H5N1 virus variants 232 so as not to spread to another cage.
Dozens of large-scale poultry farmers in the hamlet Maccera, District Binuang, Polewali Mandar example overwhelmed destroy thousands of chickens that died suddenly. Capacity of 8000 chicken coop belonging tail Aswar example, since the last two days lying dead chicken H5N1 virus because the relatively new 232 variant that attacked farmers in the region. But in a short time the deadly virus spread and attack thousands of chickens. Than 8,000 chickens owned Aswar a week longer be harvested and thrown into the market, then remained around 2,000 birds. It also can not be guaranteed health because hundreds of chickens in the same enclosure is kept dying three days and could not be saved.
He rush to bury the chickens. Aswar had to dig their own holes to destroy the chickens that do not spread to other places.
The number of ducks and geese raised residents' wild in residential and commercial poultry farming area suspected to be a trigger for the spread of bird flu virus to be stopped and disconnected distribution chain. Cage hygiene is not maintained and the number of commercial poultry such as chickens that do not comply with the standard procedures of safe poultry keeping is also a trigger other difficulties domesticated bird flu virus in a short time.
Department of Animal Husbandry Officer Polewali Mandar, Ramli, recognize much Polewali poultry farmers who do not meet the standard maintenance procedures poultry safe from bird flu and other poultry diseases. According to Ramli, hundreds of poultry breeders who run disciplinary procedures and maintenance procedures of safe poultry cages until now they are free from bird flu.
"Only breeders who do not discipline memenenuhi standard maintenance procedures such as poultry vaccines and regular spraying famous deadly virus. However breeder disciplined and vigilant, keep their home safe from bird flu," said Ramli.
Egidius Patnistik