MMaccas (pron. "mackers") : McDonald's (the hamburger place)Mallee bull, as fit as a : very fit and strong. The Mallee is very arid beef country in Victoria/South Australia. Manchester : Household linen, eg sheets etc. Mappa Tassie : map of Tasmania - a woman's pubic area Mate : buddy, friend Mate's rate, mate's discount : cheaper than usual for a "friend" Matilda : swagman's bedding, sleeping roll Metho : methylated spirits Mexican : a person from south of the Queensland or New South Wales border Mickey Mouse : excellent, very good. Beware though - in some parts of Australia it means inconsequential, frivolous or not very good! Middy : 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales Milk bar : corner shop that sells takeaway food Milko : milkman Mob : group of people, not necessarily troublesome Mob : family or herd (?) of kangaroos Mongrel : despicable person Moolah : money Mozzie : mosquito Muddy : mud crab (a great delicacy) Mug : friendly insult ("have a go, yer mug"), gullible person Mull : grass (the kind you smoke) Muster : round up sheep or cattle Mystery bag : a sausage NNasho : National Service (compulsory military service)Naughty, have a : have sex Never Never : the Outback, centre of Australia Nipper : young surf lifesaver No drama : same as 'no worries' No worries! : Expression of forgiveness or reassurance (No problem; forget about it; I can do it; Yes, I'll do it) No-hoper : somebody who'll never do well Not the full quid : not bright intellectually Nuddy, in the : naked Nun's nasty, as dry as a : dry Nut out : hammer out or work out (an agreement, say) OO.S. : overseas ("he's gone O.S.")Ocker : an unsophisticated person Offsider : an assistant, helper Old fella : penis Oldies : parents - "I'll have to ask my oldies" Op shop : opportunity shop, thrift store, place where second hand goods are sold. Outback : interior of Australia Oz : Australia! PPaddock : see 'long paddock'Pash : a long passionate kiss; hence "pashing on" Pav : Pavlova - a rich, creamy Australian / New Zealand dessert Perve (noun & verb) : looking lustfully at the opposite sex Piece of piss : easy task Pig's arse! : I don't agree with you Piker : Someone who doesn't want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early Pink slip, get the : get the sack (from the colour of the termination form) Pint : large glass of beer (esp. in South Australia) Piss : beer. Hence "hit the piss", "sink some piss" Plate, bring a : Instruction on party or BBQ invitation to bring your own food. It doesn't mean they're short of crockery! Plonk : cheap wine Pokies : poker machines, fruit machines, gambling slot machines Polly : politician Pom, pommy, pommie : an Englishman • See the complaint about "Pom" etc. Pommy bastard : an Englishman (see also 'bastard') Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower Pommy's towel, as dry as a : very dry - based on the canard that Poms bathe about once a month Porky : Lie, untruth (pork pie = lie) Port : suitcase (portmanteau) Postie : postman, mailman Pot : 285 ml beer glass in Queensland and Victoria Pozzy : position - get a good pozzy at the football stadium Prezzy : present, gift |